How to dirty down props, fabrics and clothes
All of the props, fabrics, clothes and costumes shown below were made to look old and dirty using dirty down ageing spray.
To see other demonstrations click on a link below or on right hand menu:
How to dirty down Captain Jack Sparrow costume
How to dirty down clothes
Model buildings weathered using dirty down
Click on an image to enlarge.
Props: Plates
Plates: Dirty
The plates after applying Black, Grey and Khaki ageing spray. The darker patches are created by applying several coats, (the shade darkens with each coat). It’s best to apply several coats to build up different depths of shade and colour rather than to apply a single heavy coat. For a dull, matt finish apply a fine coat of dulling spray first.
Props: Ceramic pot
Props: Basket
Props: Handbag
Handbag: Dirty
Handbag aged using Black ageing spray.
Clothes: Shorts
Shorts: Dirty
One or two coats of Grey, Black and Dark Brown ageing spray have been applied to the shorts. In many cases this is all the ageing that would be needed.