False emails
Key Points:
Emails sent from dirtydown.co.uk are fake – for example, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] etc. We no longer use the email address dirtydown.co.uk. Any email you receive from dirtydown.co.uk will be fake.
These fake emails may ask you for information about your account, to reset your account by clicking on a link or for your bank details etc. We will never ask you for this information.
Please mark any emails from dirtydown.co.uk as SPAM/JUNK and delete them.
Our current email administration email address is [email protected]. Order confirmation emails are sent from [email protected].
Our systems are secure. Criminals can buy any fake email address.
Unfortunately a person or robot has copied our customers data from the “Dealers” page of our website which is free for the public to view. For this reason we do not show our customers email address on our “Dealers” page. Link to our Dealers page here.
An example of a fake email from [email protected] is below. Our logo has been and also an image of a person not known to us.
Please contact us on the email address [email protected] if you are concerned about an email.
Dear partner,
We’re currently undergoing an annual bank reconciliation audit and reviewing the company outstanding balances.
Could you please email us a current statement for our account? We do believe that we might be missing a few outstanding invoices and corresponding due dates respectively overdue for payment.
Send us a list of outstanding invoices and the unpaid balance owed to us based on what your file shows.
Hold on to any payment to avoid credit error as a result of the ongoing audit with our old bank account with you; As we need to send you our new updated bank details for remittance.
Your immediate response will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Robert Quinn | account Manager
© 2022 Dirty Down / Screen Products